Signed in as:
Signed in as:
The Albany County Democratic Party Central Committe and Executive Commitee would like to invite and welcome you to the resistance (haha). If you believe as we do that now is the time to be engaged and paying attention to what is going on not only nationally but locally please join us and volunteer in any capacity you can. There will be many opportunities going forward to push back against policies that hurt ordinary citizens, blue collar workers and people just trying to survive week to week, while our friends on the right give tax breaks to the oligarchs that never "trickle down" to us "poor folk"
Wyoming is worth fighting for and with your help we can together make a difference, please join us and become involved and together lets make the change we all hope for.
Filling vacancies
Here's how we fill vacancies:
The Albany County Democratic Party Central Committee coordinates the work of local party members in advancing democratic values and electing Democrats.
The committee consists of Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen (Precinct Captains) elected at the regular biennial primary election.
Individuals interested in serving as a Precinct Captain must meet the following requirements:
1) registered to vote as a Democrat
2) reside within the precinct .
Precinct Captain applicants who have met the above requirements may also be elected to fill vacancies by the Central Committee during our regular Monthly meeting on the second Monday of each month in order to fill vacancies.
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